Be the writer and book publisher you want to be!

Month: March 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

On a Mission to Find My Kidney Match: Your Support Means the World to Me

Three years ago, my life changed in a way I never anticipated. After being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD), I embarked on a journey filled with challenges, hope, and a relentless quest for a solution. This path led me to dialysis, a lifesaving but demanding treatment that has become a significant part of my routine. Today, as a 62-year-old man, I find myself on a critical mission to find a living kidney donor, a quest that is not just about medical treatment but is deeply intertwined with the essence of human connection, compassion, and support.

My journey with CKD and dialysis has been a profound learning experience. Initially, the diagnosis felt like a sentence, casting a shadow of uncertainty over my future. The thought of dialysis was daunting; it symbolized not only the severity of my condition but also the beginning of a new way of life that would require adjustments on every front—physical, emotional, and social. However, as I navigated through the complexities of this new reality, I discovered resilience within myself I did not know existed. Dialysis, while challenging, became a lifeline, offering me a chance to continue my journey, albeit on a different path.

Despite the lifeline dialysis provides, it is not a cure. It is a bridge—a bridge that I hope will lead me to a more permanent solution: a kidney transplant. The ideal solution is to find a living donor, a generous individual willing to share part of themselves to give someone else a chance at a healthier, more fulfilling life. This search is not merely a medical process; it is a mission that underscores the importance of human kindness, empathy, and the incredible impact of community support.

The concept of someone donating a kidney, a part of themselves, to help another person regain their health is a remarkable testament to human generosity. The journey to find a living donor is filled with hope but also with challenges. It requires reaching out, sharing my story, and asking for a profound kind of help. It is a journey that has taught me about vulnerability, the strength found in community, and the incredible power of coming together for a common cause.

Support from friends, family, and even strangers means everything in this quest. Every conversation, every shared post, and every effort to spread the word increases the chances of finding a match. This support network has not only helped in the practical aspects of my search but has also provided emotional sustenance during moments of doubt and fear. The kindness, encouragement, and unwavering belief in the possibility of finding a donor have been sources of strength and hope.

The process of finding a living donor is complex and requires patience, persistence, and education. It involves medical tests, evaluations, and a matching process that ensures the donor’s kidney will be compatible. It is a journey marked by difficulties; moments of excitement followed by times of waiting—a rollercoaster of emotions. Yet, through it all, the vision of a life post-transplant, with renewed health and possibilities, is a beacon that keeps me, and my supporters motivated.

My mission to find a kidney match is more than a personal endeavor; it is a call to action for awareness about kidney disease, organ donation, and the importance of community support in health crises. It is a reminder of our interconnectedness and the impact we can have on one another’s lives through acts of kindness and sacrifice.

As I continue on this path, I am filled with gratitude for every person who has joined me in this journey. Your support, whether through spreading the word, offering to be evaluated as a potential donor, or simply sending positive thoughts my way, means the world to me. It is a testament to the goodness that exists in the world and the power of collective action.

In conclusion, my mission to find a kidney match is a journey of hope, resilience, and community. It is a reminder of the challenges that come with chronic illnesses like CKD and the incredible difference that support and kindness can make. To everyone who has stood by me, know that your support has been my anchor and my motivation. Together, I believe we can turn hope into reality, finding that match that will not only change my life but also serve as a powerful story of what we can achieve when we come together in support of one another.

Navigating the Future of Publishing: Empowering Aspiring Authors through Online Courses

In the vast expanse of the publishing industry, where the echoes of Gutenberg’s press still resonate amidst the digital cacophony, lies an uncharted territory ripe for exploration. As a seasoned navigator of this realm, with over three decades under my belt and a trove of knowledge acquired from the halls of Pace University, I have witnessed the tectonic shifts from print to digital, from gatekeepers to self-publishing platforms. Today, the conundrum facing aspiring authors is not the lack of information but the deluge of it, a veritable tsunami that often overwhelms rather than enlightens. This piece, drawing from my reservoir of experience and a meticulous analysis of the concerns voiced by burgeoning writers, aims to chart a course through the creation and sale of online courses, a beacon for those adrift in the tumultuous seas of publishing.

The Dawn of a New Era: Understanding Aspiring Authors’ Dilemmas

The journey begins with an understanding, a deep dive into the hearts and minds of those who dream of etching their names onto the spine of a book. The survey I conducted, a mirror to their souls, revealed not just their dreams but their fears – the dread of obscurity, the labyrinth of publishing, and the specter of rejection. These are not mere apprehensions but the Minotaurs lurking in their personal labyrinths, waiting to devour their aspirations.

In addressing these fears, one solution shines with the promise of empowerment: online courses. Not the cursory treatments found scattered like flotsam across the internet, but courses wrought from the crucible of experience, designed to guide, nurture, and illuminate the path from manuscript to masterpiece.

Crafting the Compass: Online Courses as Beacons of Hope

The creation of online courses is not merely an act of imparting wisdom; it is the construction of a lighthouse for those lost at sea. Each course, a beacon, must be built on the pillars of expertise, clarity, and relevance, guiding authors through the fog of uncertainty to the shores of publication.

  1. Expertise: The foundation of any course lies in the depth of knowledge and experience of its creator. Drawing from three decades of navigating the publishing industry’s shifting sands, my courses are infused with insights that only time and trial can bestow. From understanding the nuances of contracts to mastering the art of negotiation, each module is a distillation of hard-earned wisdom.
  2. Clarity: In a realm where jargon is the native tongue, clarity becomes the lingua franca of learning. My approach demystifies complex concepts, translating industry-speak into the universal language of creativity and ambition. Each lesson is crafted to ensure that no aspiring author is left behind, regardless of their starting point.
  3. Relevance: The quill may have given way to the keyboard, but the essence of storytelling remains unchanged. The courses I envision bridge the historical divide, marrying the timeless art of storytelling with the ephemeral trends of the digital age. From leveraging social media to understanding the algorithms that govern visibility, the curriculum is designed for both perennial relevance and timely trends.

The Voyage Forward: Charting the Course

With the compass set, the journey forward involves a meticulous mapping of the curriculum. Each course is a voyage, beginning with the fundamentals of writing and ending with the intricacies of marketing a published work. A modular approach ensures flexibility, allowing authors to navigate their own path, whether their destination is traditional publishing or the frontier of self-publishing.

  1. Writing Mastery: At the heart of every book is the story it seeks to tell. This module focuses on the craft of writing, from plot development to character creation, ensuring that the core of an author’s vision is strong, compelling, and resonant.
  2. Publishing Navigation: Understanding the publishing industry is akin to charting a course through stormy seas. This section demystifies the process, offering insights into the roles of agents, editors, and publishers, and providing strategies for submissions that stand out in the slush pile.
  3. Marketing and Branding: The final leg of the journey revolves around the art of visibility. In an era where content is king, but distribution is the kingdom, learning how to market and brand oneself is crucial. This module covers everything from building an online presence to engaging with readers and leveraging platforms for maximum impact.

Conclusion: The Beacon Awaits

As we stand at the cusp of a new dawn in the publishing world, the creation and dissemination of online courses represent more than just an educational venture; they signify a beacon of hope for countless aspiring authors navigating the tumultuous seas of publication. The journey is fraught with challenges, yet it is imbued with the promise of discovery, the thrill of creation, and the potential for transformation.

The Promise of Empowerment

Online courses, meticulously crafted from a foundation of industry expertise and a profound understanding of the authors’ journey, offer more than knowledge—they provide empowerment. They equip aspiring writers with the tools to not only craft their narratives but to take the reins of their publishing destiny. This empowerment transcends the traditional barriers of entry into the publishing world, democratizing access to knowledge and opportunity.

A Call to Action: Seize the Helm

For aspiring authors, the message is clear: the opportunity to master your craft, to understand the labyrinthine world of publishing, and to market your magnum opus is within your grasp. These courses, born from the crucible of experience and designed with your journey in mind, await your engagement. Seize the helm of your destiny, chart your course through the learning laid before you, and embark on a voyage of discovery and success.

For seasoned professionals within the publishing industry, the creation of these courses represents a clarion call to share your knowledge, to guide the next generation of writers, and to shape the future of storytelling. Your expertise, honed over years of triumphs and tribulations, has the power to light the way for those who follow you.

A Vision for the Future

As we gaze into the horizon, the future of publishing is replete with potential, a realm where the wisdom of the past meets the innovation of the present. Online courses stand as pillars of knowledge, bridging the gap between aspiring authors and their dreams. In this new era, where every voice has the potential to be heard, education becomes the key to unlocking that potential.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and for many aspiring authors, that step takes the form of engaging with online courses designed to illuminate the path ahead. These courses, rich in wisdom and insight, offer a roadmap to success in the publishing world, transforming the daunting into the achievable.

The Final Word: Beyond the Horizon

In the grand tapestry of publishing, each author’s journey is a unique narrative, woven from the threads of ambition, creativity, and perseverance. The online courses envisioned here are more than mere repositories of knowledge; they are catalysts for change, designed to empower, inspire, and elevate aspiring writers to new heights.

As we look to the future, let us embrace the opportunities that education provides, fostering a community of empowered authors ready to make their mark on the world. Together, we can navigate the vast expanse of the publishing industry, turning the dreams of today into the literary landmarks of tomorrow.

In closing, the journey from aspiring writer to published author is a voyage of discovery, fraught with challenges but rich with rewards. Through the creation and participation in online courses, we can collectively chart a course towards a brighter future for authors and the publishing industry at large. Let us set sail toward that horizon, where every aspiring author has the tools, knowledge, and confidence to achieve their dreams. The beacon awaits, and the journey begins now.

One Kidney Can’t Do It Alone, But Together, We Can Make a Miracle Happen

Living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) has been the most challenging journey of my life. At 62, most people look forward to retirement, spending time with their grandchildren, and enjoying the golden years. Instead, I found myself confronted with a reality where time seemed both infinite in the hours I spent in dialysis and brutally finite as I faced the constraints of my own body.

Three years ago, my doctors told me I needed to start dialysis. The news was both a lifeline and a sentence, promising more days ahead but filled with the constant hum and whirr of machines that took over the job my kidneys could no longer manage. Dialysis is a lifesaver, but it is also a life-changer. My world shrank to the rhythm of treatments, the strict diet, and fluid restrictions, the fatigue that followed each session, and the myriad complications that accompany CKD.

But this story is not just about the hardships of kidney disease; it is about hope, humanity, and the power of shared miracles. This is a call to action, a plea from the depths of one individual’s experience to the expansive generosity of the human spirit. Because while one kidney cannot do it alone, together, we can create a miracle.

The Journey of a Kidney Patient

My journey into the world of CKD began subtly, with symptoms so mild and nonspecific that I initially dismissed them as the natural signs of aging. However, as my condition deteriorated, so did my denial. When I finally sought medical attention, the diagnosis was a shock: my kidneys were failing, and without intervention, my time was limited.

Dialysis became my lifeline, a necessary intrusion into my life that offered me more days, more breaths. But it is not a cure. It is a holding pattern, a way to stretch time, hoping for a more permanent solution. That solution, as my doctors explained, was a kidney transplant.

The Miracle of Transplantation

A kidney transplant is not just a medical procedure; it is a rebirth. It offers not just more years, but a quality of life that dialysis can never match. Suddenly, there is the promise of freedom, of waking up without the specter of your next treatment looming over you, of traveling, eating without fear, and living without constant fatigue.

But the path to transplantation is fraught with obstacles. The waiting list for deceased donor kidneys is long, with years spent in anticipation, hoping for a call that may come too late. And here lies the crux of my message: living donors, individuals who can offer one of their kidneys, are the miracle many of us are waiting for.

The Power of Living Donation

Living kidney donation is an act of profound generosity and bravery. It is a decision that can dramatically alter the life of someone like me. A living donor kidney offers better outcomes and functions longer than one from a deceased donor. But beyond the statistics and medical benefits, living donation represents a tangible manifestation of human connection and compassion.

Many people are not aware that it is possible to live a full, healthy life with just one kidney. Others are afraid of the surgery and the aftermath. These fears are understandable, but they can often be mitigated through education, support, and witnessing the transformative impact their gift can have.

A Call to the Community

This is where my plea extends beyond my personal sphere—it is a call to the community, to society, to humanity. It is a call to consider the impact of living donation, not only on the recipients but on the donors themselves, who often describe the experience as one of the most meaningful and profound of their lives.

To those contemplating living donation, I want to say: you have the power to turn despair into hope, to turn a struggle for survival into a life lived fully and joyously. You have the power to make a miracle happen.

Together, We Can

“One kidney can’t do it alone, but together, we can make a miracle happen.” This is not just a slogan; it is a truth that I live by every day as I wait for my miracle. It is a truth that shines brightly in the stories of those who have stepped forward to donate, changing lives in the most profound way possible.

But the journey does not end with a transplant. It’s a lifelong commitment to health, to honoring the gift by taking the best possible care of this new chance at life. It is a journey I dream of embarking on, a dream that I hope, with the help of a generous donor, will soon become a reality.

In Conclusion

As I share my story, I do so with the hope that it reaches not just potential donors, but everyone, to spread awareness of CKD, dialysis, and the transformative power of kidney donation. I do so to humanize the statistics, to show that behind every number is a person full of hopes, dreams, and love, waiting for a miracle.

I understand the hesitancy, the fears, and the myths surrounding kidney donation. I understand that it is a decision that cannot be taken lightly. But I also understand the incredible impact it can have. Not just on the life of the recipient, but on the life of the donor, and the lives of all who love and cherish them.

This plea for a living donor is more than just a request for a second chance at life; it is a call to witness the strength and resilience of the human spirit, the capacity for selfless love, and the profound connections that can arise from the most challenging circumstances. It is a reminder that within each of us lies the potential to perform miracles, to change lives in fundamental, earth-shattering ways.

To those who have already donated, your generosity has forever changed the lives of your recipients and their families. You have shown what it means to be profoundly human. To those considering donation, I offer my deepest gratitude for even considering such a gift. Your courage and selflessness represent the absolute best of us.

In my journey, I have seen the best and the hardest parts of human life. I have felt the weight of mortality and the boundless hope of potential life anew. I am one of many, a single story in a sea of voices, each echoing the same plea: help us turn the tide of this battle, help us live the full life that everyone deserves.

I envision a world where the phrase “One kidney can’t do it alone, but together, we can make a miracle happen” is not just a hope but a reality. A world where the fear of kidney disease is met with the powerful force of communal action and compassion. A world where no one must face the uncertainty of dialysis indefinitely, waiting for a call that may never come.

In sharing my story, I am casting a stone into the waters of humanity, hoping the ripples will reach everywhere, touching hearts and moving souls to action. I am here, waiting, hoping, and believing in the power of us, together, to make the miracle of life a reality for many.

And to those who step forward, in any capacity, to support kidney disease patients and the cause of organ donation, know that you are the architects of miracles, the creators of second chances. Together, we can turn the tide. Together, we can ensure that no one must face this journey alone. Together, we can make miracles happen.

Harnessing Your Passion: The Journey to Crafting and Selling Your First E-book

Introduction: Picture this: a sunny afternoon, you are browsing through your favorite section in the bookstore, and there it is – a book that seems to speak directly to you. This could be your book, your ideas, your voice reaching out to someone else. I have been there, walking through aisles of potential, dreaming of the day my words would find their home on those shelves. But let us rewind. Before the bookstore, there is a powerful tool at your fingertips – the e-book. It is your gateway to sharing your unique insights, especially if you are passionate about your blog’s niche. Let me guide you through turning that passion into a digital masterpiece.

Identifying Your Niche: You know what they say, “Write what you know.” That is your golden ticket. Dive deep into the themes of your blog. What questions are your readers asking? What problems are you solving for them? This is not just about finding a gap in the market; it is about merging your passion with your readers’ needs. I remember my first e-book stemmed from a blog post that struck a chord with my audience. Your niche is your lighthouse, guiding you through the foggy sea of content.

Creating Content: Content is king, but consistency is queen. Start with an outline, break down your chapters, and fill them with your unique voice and insights. Remember, an e-book allows you to delve deeper than a blog post. It is your stage. Share personal stories, case studies, or research that add value. Think of it as an extended conversation with your readers. And here is a tip: keep a dedicated writing schedule. Consistency will transform your scattered ideas into a cohesive masterpiece.

E-Book Formatting and Design: First impressions count, especially in the digital world. A well-formatted e-book with an eye-catching cover can set you apart. Tools like Canva or Adobe InDesign can help, but do not shy away from hiring a professional if design is not your forte. Remember, your e-book reflects your brand. Make it as professional and polished as your blog.

Publishing Platforms: The digital era has democratized publishing. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Apple Books offer gateways to vast audiences. Each platform has its nuances, from royalties to formatting requirements. Do your homework and choose the one that aligns with your goals and audience.

Marketing and Promotion: Here is where your blog shines. It is not just a platform; it is your community. Tease content, share snippets, or create a dedicated e-book landing page. Utilize your social media channels, newsletters, and any other medium where your voice is heard. Remember, marketing is not selling; it is about telling your story and why your e-book matters.

Monetizing Your E-book: Pricing your e-book can feel like walking a tightrope. Aim too high, and you risk alienating potential readers. Too low, and you might undermine your value. Research similar titles in your niche, consider your audience, and do not be afraid to experiment with different pricing strategies.

Overcoming Challenges: Every author faces hurdles. Writer’s block, time management, self-doubt. These are all part of the journey. Whenever I hit a wall, I remind myself why I started writing in the first place. Reconnect with your purpose, seek feedback, and remember, resilience is your best tool.

Conclusion: Your e-book journey is a marathon, not a sprint. It is about more than just writing; it is about sharing a piece of yourself with the world. So, take that leap. Write, publish, and share your e-book with the confidence of someone who has valuable insights to offer. Every big accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Your audience is waiting.

A Kidney Donor Could Be Just One Click Away: My Plea for Life

As I sit down to articulate my journey, my heart wavers between hope and apprehension. My name is Donald Schmidt, and I am a 62-year-old man wrestling with the relentless challenge of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This enduring battle intensified three years ago when my kidneys succumbed to the disease, ushering me into the world of dialysis. This journey has been about survival, confronting fears, clinging to hope, and enduring an interminable wait. Today, through the vast expanse of the internet, I extend a heartfelt plea for a gift that promises not just to extend my life but to enhance its quality – a plea for a living kidney donor.

The Odyssey with Chronic Kidney Disease

My encounter with CKD commenced subtly, manifesting symptoms that were easy to dismiss as mere signs of aging or trivial health issues. Gradual fatigue, a diminishing appetite, swelling in my extremities, and sporadic focus issues – I overlooked these signals until they escalated beyond denial. The verdict of kidney failure was a thunderbolt that shattered my everyday life, confronting me with a reality I was ill-prepared for.

Transitioning to dialysis was a monumental shift. It signified a new era where hours once dedicated to family, career, or hobbies were now monopolized by medical treatments. Dialysis sustains my life; it has also altered it drastically. It necessitates my connection to a machine for extensive periods, several times a week, substituting for the functions my kidneys can no longer fulfill.

In Pursuit of a Donor

The beacon of a kidney transplant appeared as a glimmer of hope amidst this turmoil, illuminating a path away from the encroaching shadows. A successful transplant would signify emancipation from the shackles of dialysis, a return to a semblance of normalcy, and the cherished opportunity to relish moments that many effortlessly take for granted. However, the queue for a deceased donor stretches long and indeterminably. Hence, I ventured into the realm of seeking a living donor.

A living kidney donor could emerge from anywhere – be it family, friends, or an altruistic stranger. The notion that an individual could part with a fragment of themselves to profoundly alter, or indeed save, another’s life is deeply moving. Advances in medical science have rendered donor surgeries less intrusive, enhancing outcomes for recipients like me.

The Essence of Living Donation

Living kidney donations are heralded for their superior success rates compared to their deceased counterparts. These kidneys typically boast a longer functional lifespan, and the procedures can be meticulously planned, reducing the agonizing wait. Yet, the quest for a living donor is fraught with challenges. It demands broadcasting one’s vulnerabilities, hoping that there exists a soul moved to act.

My Appeal for Existence

Hence, here is my appeal, extending beyond the mere confines of patienthood. I am Donald Schmidt: a brother an uncle, a friend, a pillar of my community, yearning for more sand in the hourglass of life. My plea is for compassion, for a demonstration of unparalleled courage, for the willingness to effect a monumental difference.

The weight of what I solicit is not lost on me. Kidney donation is a monumental decision, necessitating contemplation, education, and an expansive heart. Yet, I remain optimistic that our world harbors extraordinary individuals capable of extraordinary deeds.

How You Can Contribute

If my words find you, stirring something within, know that your journey could commence with a mere click. Whether it is to engage with information on living donation, to initiate discourse around my narrative, or to ponder the possibility of becoming a donor, each action fans the flames of hope. Comprehensive resources and support systems stand ready for those intrigued by the notion of living donation, detailing the process, the inherent risks, and the indelible impact it holds.

To Prospective Donors

If you are contemplating this noble path, please know how deeply I appreciate your mere consideration. Should you choose to walk this path, it would be one of unity, underscored by unwavering support, meticulous guidance, and comprehensive care. Your magnanimity has the potential to breathe life anew – not just in the literal sense, but enabling dreams, fostering shared moments, and nurturing love.


Never did I envisage finding myself in a predicament where my very existence hinged on the benevolence of another. Yet, here I stand, reaching across the digital divide, in search of that one individual who can reshape my destiny. Here I stand, patient, hopeful, and faithful, in the belief that a kidney donor could indeed be just one click away.

This plea is a cry for life, for the opportunity to continue traversing this intricate, tumultuous, yet profoundly beautiful journey of existence. If my narrative resonates with you, I implore you to reach out, share this message, and contemplate the transformative impact you could wield. A kidney donor does not just offer a part of their anatomy; they grant someone like me a renewed lease on life. Please, consider being the click, the person, the extraordinary individual who offers this unparalleled gift.

Every moment, every shared smile, every additional sunrise that a transplant could afford me is not just a personal win; it is a triumph of human kindness and spirit. The act of donating a kidney transcends the mere physical—it weaves you into the very fabric of another’s life narrative, turning ordinary individuals into heroes of circumstance.

If there is a part of you that feels moved, curious, or inspired, I urge you to take that first step. Your click could be the one that turns my plea into a story of miraculous compassion and shared humanity. Your action, no matter how small it seems, could be the pivot on which my entire life turns.

In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for taking the time to engage with my story, for considering the profound difference you could make. This journey, though fraught with uncertainty and shadowed by the enormity of what I ask, is also filled with potential for incredible light and warmth brought about by human connection and generosity.

Thank you for contemplating becoming part of my story, a story of survival, hope, and the profound impact of human kindness. I am here, waiting and hopeful, for that one click, that one person, that one life-changing act of love. Please, help me to find that possibility, that beacon of hope, that extraordinary gift of life.

With deepest gratitude,

Donald Schmidt

Together, We Can Make a Life-Saving Impact: Be a Part of My Story


Every journey begins with a single step. My journey, like many others, has been filled with unexpected twists and turns. Today, I find myself in a position I never anticipated: living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and relying on dialysis to stay alive. But this is not just a story of struggles and challenges; it is a call to action, an opportunity for you to become part of a life-saving mission. This is not just my story; it could be anyone’s. But together, we can write a different ending.

Chapter 1: The Unseen Battle of CKD

Chronic kidney disease, a condition that affects millions worldwide, is often silent and unnoticed until its advanced stages. I was one of those millions, going about my daily life unaware of the silent battle being waged inside me. CKD is merciless; it does not discriminate by age, race, or status. My diagnosis came as a shock, followed by a steep learning curve about terms like GFR, dialysis, and transplant lists.

Living with CKD has transformed my everyday life into a series of challenges: strict diets, endless appointments, and the thrice-weekly, life-sustaining ritual of dialysis. These sessions, while vital, are draining and time-consuming, a constant reminder of the life I once led and the independence I have lost.

Chapter 2: The Lifeline of Hope – Kidney Transplantation

Amid these challenges lies a beacon of hope: kidney transplantation. A successful transplant can offer not just an extension of life, but the quality of life, a chance to reclaim some semblance of normalcy. But this lifeline is not easily grasped. The waiting list for deceased donors is long, with years of waiting not just a possibility but a likelihood.

This is where living kidney donors come into the picture, heroic individuals who choose to donate one of their kidneys to someone in need. The impact of this act is monumental, offering a second chance at life to the recipient and their families. However, finding a living donor is a journey of its own, fraught with emotional and ethical considerations, hopes raised and sometimes dashed.

Chapter 3: The Courage to Ask for Help

Asking for help is never easy. It requires vulnerability, admitting to a need one cannot meet alone. But CKD has taught me humility and the strength that lies in community. I am reaching out, asking for someone to consider becoming a living kidney donor, to be part of my story, and to make a tangible, life-saving impact.

Becoming a donor is not a decision to be taken lightly. It involves medical tests, evaluations, and understanding the risks and benefits. But it also represents an unparalleled act of generosity, a decision that can forever change the lives of two families.

Chapter 4: How You Can Help

If my story has moved you, if you feel a calling to help but do not know how, there are several ways you can have influence:

  1. Consider becoming a living donor: This is the most direct way to impact someone’s life. Living kidney donation is a safe procedure for healthy individuals, and the remaining kidney compensates to continue the necessary bodily functions.
  2. Spread the word: Share my story and the need for living donors. Awareness is a powerful tool. The more people know about CKD and the power of donation, the higher the chances of finding a compatible donor.
  3. Educate yourself and others: Understanding CKD, the effects of dialysis, and the transplantation process can demystify the experience and encourage more people to consider donation.
  4. Support kidney disease research and advocacy: Contributing to organizations dedicated to kidney health can lead to better treatments and eventually, a cure.

Chapter 5: A Call to Action – Be a Part of My Story

This is not just a call for help; it is an invitation to be part of something bigger than oneself, to make a tangible, life-changing impact. I am looking for a hero, someone willing to share a part of themselves to give someone else – in this case, me – a second chance at life.

But beyond my personal story, this is about raising awareness, fostering understanding, and encouraging action. Whether or not you choose to explore becoming a living donor, you can be a part of this journey. Share this message, talk about CKD, and support those in your community facing this battle. Every action, no matter how small, can have a ripple effect, leading to life-saving changes.

Conclusion: A Shared Journey Towards Hope

This journey is not one I walk alone. It is a shared path with millions around the world, each with their own stories, challenges, and hopes. Together, we can shed light on the hidden struggles of CKD, elevate the conversation about organ donation, and forge a path toward hope and healing.

If you would like to save a life, mine, here is the contact information:

Donor intake Form:

Navigating the Tides: A Guide for Aspiring Authors in the Digital Age

In the ever-evolving landscape of book publishing, first-time authors face a myriad of challenges that can seem as daunting as navigating a ship through stormy seas. From the depths of my 35 years in the publishing industry, I have witnessed the transformation from typewriters to tablets, from printed pages to pixels. But some concerns remain timeless: the fear of rejection, the quest for a compelling narrative, and the eternal struggle for visibility in an oversaturated market.

Recently, I reached out to you, the aspiring authors of our generation, to understand your deepest fears and aspirations. Your responses painted a vivid picture of the contemporary author’s dilemma: How to stand out? How to ensure your voice is heard, your story is read?

In this comprehensive guide, I will tackle these worries head-on, armed with anecdotes from my own journey and insights gleaned from the industry’s best. But more importantly, I will review and recommend products and services that are not just relevant but essential to your journey from manuscript to masterpiece.

Understanding the Market: The First Step to Overcoming Fear

My journey in publishing began in an era when market research was as cumbersome as leafing through pages of a printed directory. Today, tools like Kindle Spy and Publisher Rocket have revolutionized this process, offering real-time data on market trends, keyword popularity, and competitive analysis. These are not just tools; they are your first mates in navigating the vast ocean of digital publishing.

Crafting Your Narrative: Writing Tools for the Modern Author

I remember the days of red ink on manuscript margins, the endless nights of rewriting. Today, Scrivener acts as your digital workshop, organizing your thoughts and narrative flow with unparalleled ease. Coupled with ProWritingAid or Grammarly, these tools ensure your story is not just told, but eloquently conveyed.

Facing Rejection: Building Resilience and Finding the Right Partners

Rejection letters were once the bane of my existence, a relentless tide eroding the shores of confidence. However, platforms like Reedsy have changed the game, connecting you with experienced editors, designers, and marketers who can transform your manuscript into a market-ready product. This is not just about finding help; it is about building a team that believes in your vision.

Gaining Visibility: Marketing Tools for the Aspiring Bestseller

In the labyrinth of online marketing, BookBub and Goodreads offer a beacon of hope. These platforms not only provide a stage for your book but also connect you with an audience eager for your narrative. Combine these with a well-crafted email marketing strategy using services like Mailchimp, and you create a direct line to your readers, turning casual browsers into loyal fans.

Monetizing Your Passion: Exploring Affiliate Programs and Sponsored Collaborations

As authors, our ultimate dream is to live off our words. Affiliate programs linked with book review blogs or YouTube channels, sponsored collaborations with literary websites, and personalized merchandise can turn this dream into reality. Platforms like Amazon Associates or Shopify can be integrated seamlessly with your online presence, offering a steady stream of income while you focus on what you love most: writing.

Final Words of Wisdom: Embrace the Journey

As you stand on the brink of this thrilling journey, remember that every great author was once an aspiring writer, facing the same fears, asking the same questions. Armed with the right tools and guided by the lessons of those who have navigated these waters before you, you are not just ready to face the challenges of the publishing world; you are destined to conquer them.

Remember, the path from manuscript to masterpiece is not a straight line but a series of waves, each bringing its own challenge and opportunity. Embrace each moment, learn from every experience, and never forget why you started this journey.

To all the aspiring authors out there, I say this: Your story matters. Your voice is needed. And with the right tools and team, the world will listen.

A Testament to Human Compassion: My Journey Through Chronic Kidney Disease


My story is not unique, but it is deeply personal. Like many others, I have been navigating the turbulent waters of chronic kidney disease (CKD) for the past three years. This journey, marked by trials, fears, and an unwavering hope, has taught me the profound meaning of human compassion. It is a tale of survival, of the kindness of strangers, and the unbreakable spirit of those who walk this path with me.

Chapter 1: The Shocking Beginning

Three years ago, my life took an unexpected turn. What started as routine fatigue and occasional discomfort escalated into a life-threatening situation. I was rushed to the hospital with a staggering creatinine level of 26, a clear sign that my kidneys were failing. That moment was not just a wake-up call; it was a terrifying plunge into the unknown. The diagnosis: Chronic Kidney Disease. The prognosis: uncertain.

Chapter 2: The Battle with CKD

CKD is a progressive disease. It does not happen overnight but slowly creeps upon you, taking away your body’s ability to clean your blood, control blood pressure, and keep bones healthy. I faced daily challenges, from managing my diet to enduring endless medical appointments. But the physical struggle was just one part of the battle. The mental and emotional toll was equally demanding. Fear, anxiety, and uncertainty became constant companions on my journey.

Chapter 3: The Power of Support

In my darkest hours, the light often came from unexpected places. Family and friends stood by me, offering their unwavering support. But beyond my immediate circle, I discovered a community of fellow warriors battling CKD. Their stories, advice, and encouragement became a beacon of hope. This network, bound by shared pain and resilience, was a testament to the power of human connection and compassion.

Chapter 4: The Search for a Miracle

As my condition progressed, it became clear that a kidney transplant was my best chance for a normal life. But finding a living donor is a complex and emotional journey. It is a plea for a second chance at life, met with an overwhelming mix of hope and despair. I turned to social media, support groups, and kidney advocacy organizations, sharing my story far and wide in the hope of finding a match.

Chapter 5: The Kindness of Strangers

The concept of living donation, where a healthy individual donates one of their kidneys to someone in need, is a profound example of human kindness. While I continue my search for a donor, I am moved by the stories of those who have stepped forward to give this incredible gift. These strangers, turned heroes, have not only saved lives but have also sparked a ripple effect of awareness and empathy towards kidney disease.

Chapter 6: Living with Uncertainty

While I await my miracle, I live each day with gratitude and purpose. The journey is fraught with uncertainty, but it is also filled with moments of profound beauty and clarity. I have learned to cherish simple joys, to advocate for myself and others, and to hold onto hope, even when it feels elusive.

Chapter 7: The Call to Action

My journey through CKD is a testament to the power of human compassion. It highlights the urgent need for awareness, research, and support for those affected by kidney disease. But more importantly, it is a call to action. Whether through organ donation, volunteering, or simply spreading awareness, we all have the power to make a difference.


Chronic Kidney Disease has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. It has shown me despair but also the heights of human kindness. My journey is ongoing, filled with challenges and hope. But one thing remains clear: the power of human compassion can change lives. As I continue to search for a living donor, I am reminded that within each of us lies the potential to be someone’s miracle.

Call to Action:

If my story has moved you, consider becoming a living kidney donor, or help spread awareness about CKD and organ donation. Your action, no matter how small, can have a profound impact on someone’s life.

I need a kidney.

If you would like to save a life, mine, here is the contact information:

Donor intake Form:

The Sponsored Post Spectrum: A Journey with The Book Kahuna

In my three-plus decades in the book publishing industry, and through my scholarly adventures at Pace University, I have seen the written word evolve in ways that would leave Gutenberg gobsmacked. Today, I am taking a leaf from my own book – quite literally – to discuss a burgeoning opportunity for writers and bloggers: sponsored content.

A Historical Context with a Twist

Imagine, if you will, the scene: it is the late 19th century, and we are in the bustling office of a newspaper. Amidst the clatter of typewriters, there is a new player: the advertisement feature. This is not your granddad’s ad, though – it is a narrative, a story, capturing the essence of a brand in the guise of editorial content. Fast forward to the digital age, and here we are, discussing the same concept, reincarnated as the ‘sponsored post’.

The Book Kahuna Dives into Sponsored Content

Now, I am a tech guy at heart – I love gadgets and the digital revolution. But as I often muse on my blog, embracing new doesn’t mean forsaking the old. Sponsored content is a perfect blend of both. It allows us, the modern-day scribes, to wield our pens (or keyboards) in service of storytelling for brands, without losing our unique voice or editorial integrity.

Let us talk turkey for a moment. Sponsored content can be lucrative. But there is a catch – authenticity. Remember the tale from my blog about Asa Candler and Coca-Cola? He bought a recipe, stirred in imagination and integrity, and crafted a legacy. That is your role as a content creator: to blend your authentic voice with the narrative the brand wishes to convey.

Ethical Musings and Musings on Ethics

Here is where it gets dicey – and interesting. The ethical battleground of sponsored content. On my platform, I have always strived for transparency, a value I hold dear from my publishing days. Transparency with your audience is paramount. They are your loyal readers, not guinea pigs for undisclosed advertising.

Crafting the Perfect Sponsored Post: A Book Kahuna’s Guide

Now, how do you craft a sponsored post that sings? It is an art and a science. You start with understanding the brand’s core message, then weave it into your style, like blending new threads into a well-loved tapestry. Use personal anecdotes, draw parallels with literary classics, or employ a dash of humor – whatever fits your unique style.

The Book Kahuna Conclusion: Navigating the Sponsored Seas

As I wrap up (and before Derek, my loyal corgi sidekick, reminds me it is time for his walk), I will leave you with this: sponsored content is not just about padding your wallet. It is an exercise in creativity, ethics, and reader engagement. Navigate these waters wisely, and you could just find a rewarding path that respects both your integrity and your bank account.

Remember, in the world of content, as in the world of publishing, the most enduring stories are those told with honesty, flair, and a touch of the human heart. Dive into the world of sponsored content but take your readers along for the journey – with transparency, creativity, and a dash of that indomitable Book Kahuna spirit.

I need a kidney.

If you would like to save a life, mine, here is the contact information:

Donor intake Form:

Crafting Compelling Book Covers: A Step-by-Step Guide Compre…

Crafting Compelling Book Covers: A Step-by-Step Guide
Comprehending the Book: The very first action in creating a book cover is to totally comprehend the book itself. If it is a physical book, the cover style is sent out to an expert printer along with the book’s interior pages for printing and binding. In conclusion, developing a book cover is a collective and multi-faceted procedure that includes comprehending the book, investigating the market, working together with the author and/or publisher, establishing principles, choosing typography and images, settling the style, producing, and printing, and marketing the book.

Comprehending the Book: The very first action in developing a book cover is to totally comprehend the book itself. Partnership with Author and/or Publisher: Collaboration with the author and/or publisher is an important element of the book cover style procedure. If it is a physical book, the cover style is sent out to an expert printer along with the book’s interior pages for printing and binding. Marketing and Promotion: Once the book covers are printed or released, they end up being an important part of the book’s marketing and promo. In conclusion, developing a book cover is a collective and multi-faceted procedure that includes comprehending the book, looking into the market, working together with the author and/or publisher, establishing principles, picking typography and images, completing the style, producing, and printing, and marketing the book.

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